November 28, 2015

What do I have to offer that will suffice? Nothing but the Bread of Life!


Recently someone referred to our ministry’s logo as “clip art” and a “cartoon”. After being taken aback by the blow to my heart, I realized how much this piece of art means to me. It is our banner. The Lord had me remember how I received this gift, and unless you have been with us from the beginning of our journey, you may not know the story behind the carving either.

At the age of 17, I went on a short-term mission trip with my youth group to Romania. God used that brief trip to place a very permanent calling in my life. I loved school and I was focused on fulfilling my dream to graduate college with a degree in Chemistry. That all faded one day in my chemistry class when I physically felt all the passion for chemistry leave my body. It was a terrible feeling since this passion had led me most of my life. That day God transformed me. That same semester, I was also enrolled in a general education art class (honestly, just trying to receive an easy “A”). Our assignment was to carve something that would introduce ourselves to the class, answer the question, “who are you?”. Who am I? Gosh, I am a lot of things. However, the most fundamental thing is the most profound. I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I am His hands and feet in this world. God has given me many gifts and abilities but none of those things are essentially who I am. They are only sprinkled blessings from the Father. I am His beloved. I am His child. The greatest gift I was ever given was Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life. He is sufficient for me. This carving represents God’s whisper to my heart, “Come, follow me.”  The inspiration behind the carving ultimately inspired the name of our ministry.

This little orphan girl has no mouth because the orphans of Romania have no voice in thier government. Her eyes are oversized showing she has seen much in her life. The two stars represent God the Father and the Holy Spirit, the bread symbolizes the Son of God—the Bread of Life. Notice the three crosses etched in the loaf of bread. The hope of heaven, the Bread of Life, is what we wish to offer her and the other thousands of orphans like her.

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble,  and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.  James 1:27

No man can live by bread alone but by every word of God (Deut 8:3). Jesus Christ is the sufficient bread. He is the Bread of Life. He that comes to Him shall never hunger, and he that believes in Him shall never thirst (John 6:35). Jesus Christ was the sufficient sacrifice for our sins – Jesus is sufficient.

An exciting announcement for our wonderful ministry partners!

We now have online giving option available on our website! Go to and click on either our “Get Involved!” or “Contact Us” tab. Fill out a simple form to give a one-time donation or scheduled reoccurring donations. You will also receive an immediate receipt of the donation in your email inbox.

It’s super simple and secure. Check it out!


The Known and Loved by Jesus Christ!

We need partners to help us serve the children at Betania and “The Future and a Hope” transitional apartments. We want to connect the children/young adults with families who love the Lord and will commit to pray for them and sponsor their needs and the general needs of the ministry.

These children are not the forgotten and abandoned; they are the KNOWN and LOVED by Jesus Christ (and you!)

Please consider going to our website and clicking on the “get involved!” tab. Follow the “Child Sponsorship” link and complete the brief sponsorship form. Sponsors will receive a postcard with the child’s picture and information. Sponsors will also receive biannual updates on their child (health updates, prayer requests, and correspondence).

June 1, 2015

CLICK HERE: PDF version of June 2015 Newsletter

Open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it – Psalm 81:10

I urge each of you to view our God as a living God. Our Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Too often our minds wander down a dangerous road, worrying about tomorrows provisions, worrying about what people around us might be saying, lies spoken, the enemy reaching out to devour. I was cast down many times in my life because of these thoughts and imaginations. I wish to remind the children of God TODAY, that He does not forsake, even in our day, those who rely on Him.

I write about orphans because they are before me daily. By God’s mercy He has placed them in my life to force me to my knees and to tear my heart until it is no longer my fleshly heart that breaks for them but the heart of their Father that beats for them.

The children you support are often tortured by the thought of growing older and ending up in the poorhouse. They initially do not see God as a living God, a Heavenly Father that provides for those who put their trust in Him. All earthly fathers have failed them.

Sufficient Bread Ministry desires to be instrumental in strengthening their faith by giving them not only scriptures from the Word of God of His willingness and ability to help all those who rely on Him, but to show proof, that He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

God has challenged me, and I ask for your support in prayer. We will trust only on Him to provide for our needs. We will be bold in sharing with the children that we will wait upon the Lord for His provision. God’s provision for Sufficient Bread Ministry will be visible proof to the unchanging faithfulness of the Lord. We have many needs. The Lord knows them all. We will take God at His word and rely on it.

Our presence in Romania is to be used by God to help these abandoned children to be successful in this life. To train them up in the fear of God. But our first and primary object is that God might be magnified that the orphans under our care are provided with all they need, not as an outcome of human strength, only by prayer and faith.

I wish I could write you more often to share with you our needs and the daily work going on, but sometimes it is more remarkable and gives God more glory when He puts the children on your heart, without me asking you, and through your obedience we see that God is still faithful and still hears prayers. Praise the LORD!

Renewed and READY! Returning with faith, joy and love. Lord, we give you all the PRAISE!

Recently, I read the newsletter we wrote awhile back about returning to the states for a time to renew and refocus our ministry. I remembered the thoughts and feelings I was experiencing when I wrote those words, feelings of excitement and the pressure of responsibility. We are rapidly approaching the end of our obligations in the states and preparing to once again uproot our family and return home to Romania.

It is a beautiful thing to see how God is continuously molding Andrei and I into the servants he desires us to become. Every time He calls us to return to the states He shows us new things about ourselves and uncovers a little more of the plan He has for our family and Romania.

There were many challenges we had to overcome while we supervised the ministry stateside. I have been blessed to see Andrei take on these challenges and remain faithful to the call God has placed on his life. I also want to thank each of you who have continued to support the ministry during this time off the field. We appreciate your understanding that even though our family was stateside the needs and daily ministry at Betania and the F&H apartment continued.

Our Lord provided an amazing job for me to support my family’s needs here in the states, allowing your funds to not only fully support the ministry over in Romania but also allowing us to put some money aside in savings. We will be using those saved funds to continue to help aged-out youth in our “Future and a Hope” Program. Your faithfulness to our ministry has touched our family and we are incredibly grateful.

Hello Dear Ones,…

Recently a supporter asked for information about our ministry from Betania Family Center. This is the response that the administrator wrote back. His words blessed us. His letter is a reflection of your support and monthly sacrifices you have made.  Enjoy!

Hello Dear Ones,

In our history at the Betania Family Center, over 18 years, by the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are glad that we had with us the Andries family, Andrei and Kelle and their organization from America. Through all these years we have had their help and reliable support for the work of the Lord. There has not been a religious holiday or birthday, that Andrei and Kelle were not involved. They gave financially for Christmas dinner or New Years, or June 1st (Children’s Day), and birthday parties for the children at Betania. They conduct children’s programs, religious studies in the Word of God, kid’s games, creative activities and more.

But their contribution has not stopped here; they are involved in the children’s education at Betania, paying monthly for years for us to hire a math teacher to tutor the children. They have also paid for a psychologist to tend to the needs of children…

The Andries family and their organization is a blessing for Betania Family Center and to my family, being in the Lord’s work over 22 years, he has carried us through it all. He has taken care of us through this wonderful family and their organization.

May our good God bless you all and the gates of Betania are open and waiting.

With all brotherly love,

       The Crisan Family and Betania Family Center

When Mr. Crisan says, “the gates of Betania are open and waiting,” he means it! We have a guesthouse on the grounds built specifically to house supporters who want to come and live among the children and see first hand what goes on at the family center. If any of you want to come visit please let us know. The Crisan and Andries families would love the fellowship.

The Power of Obedience

A few months back I was asked at a women’s retreat, “What would these children do if it wasn’t for you?” This caught me off guard and my initial thought was, “Well, God would send someone else [ofcourse].” But just as I was about to respond a lightening bolt struck my heart.  “NO! That is not truth. I called you to do this. How many people have come to help you in the past 13 years? Three short term teams. Three groups in 13 years! I have chosen YOU my daughter, and you have been obedient.” BAM! These words hit me like a train! I thought about it for days after.

God once again touched my heart while helping my daughter with a class project. I came across this quote by Amelia Earhart.

“Never do things others can do and will do, if there are things others cannot do or will not do.”

Again, my Father gripped my heart. This is why we do what we do…because others either cannot or will not. We do this out of obedience to the Father.

Brothers and sisters, God is using YOU for His special purpose, to shine His light. To share His Love. To shape His people. YOU are making a difference in ways you don’t even realize – and you are very much appreciated.

God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

2 Corinthians 9:8

CLICK HERE: PDF version of June 2015 Newsletter

November 2014

CLICK HERE: PDF version of Nov 2014 Newsletter

“A Future and a Hope” Success Story: Written by Andrei

The F&H program was started out of a vision God gave my wife and me. By faith we stepped forward and trusted the Lord to finance it and make it successful.

It is my pleasure to share with all of you our first success story.

Cosmin was one of the original teens that entered the program. When he did, he was just shy of turning 18 years old. The summer of 2011, Cosmin came to Sufficient Bread Ministry for help. He was a very well known teen in our town who had friends who were far less than a good influence. I should know–I was in a very similar situation at his age.

Cosmin was a boy who was very confused about the idea of God and being a born-again Christian. He felt that he had a personal relationship with God and he believed that he was saved, but his knowledge of the scripture was very weak. He didn’t know very many people with a strong relationship with God. He didn’t have a strong male example, friend, or better put, father to teach him how to walk the straight and narrow and to give him parental advise.

From an early age, Cosmin lived on the streets. I remember seeing him constantly when I went out in town to play soccer as a teenager. We would find him next to the soccer field by the water pipes. This was his “home.” I remember that he would always come play with us. We all grew to know him very well. Cosmin was, as we say in Romania, a “child of everyone.” After we would finish playing, one of our gang would buy him some food.

For a while, a missionary raised Cosmin. This woman took him into official placement with his little sister. Unfortunately, as time went by, Cosmin became a troubled teen. He was a problem child at home, at school, and everywhere he went–constantly making poor choices.

Because of this, he went back to the streets worse than ever. Being back on the streets and not going to school or work, this teen began stealing, swearing, and gambling. He was a smart guy with great potential! But nevertheless, he started having more and more problems.

I would meet with Cosmin in town and ask him about himself and why he was living in rebellion against God. Every time he would listen to what I had to say and he would respond, “I know God, but right now I am lost.” He would ask me every time how I went from a “boy” to a man who walks in God’s way, lives as a missionary, and has a happy family. My response was, “faith and God’s grace changes anyone, even sinners like us.” I would invite him to our weekly Bible studies, but he rarely came.

In the summer of 2011, Cosmin came to us for help, saying he was tired of the life he was living and wanted to leave it all behind.

Kelle and I prayed and talked about how we could help him. Cosmin was not the only teenager who needed support financially and spiritually. We already knew about two other teens that desperately needed our support. After several days of prayer and thought, we started putting together the F&H program.

While we were waiting for finances to come together to start the program, I spent a lot of time discipling Cosmin through scripture and Q&A. Slowly he began to come to our home Bible studies and would stay at our house and attend family dinners. He began to be a part of the church and our family.

During this time, SBM launched the F&H program. This program, soaked in much prayer and discussion, was designed to address the problems associated with teenaged orphans coming out from under the authority of the State.

God’s work had begun! Cosmin began to improve and continued to attend our weekly Bible studies. He even began to come with us to the local orphanage and loved the children along side us. He also returned to finish high school. Of course we had our ups and downs, even to the point of having to temporarily dismiss him from the program because he violated various house rules multiple times. During that brief time we kept in touch and he learned a lot from that “tough love” moment.

After his apology and being reinstated into the program, Cosmin managed to obey the house rules. This last chance totally changed Cosmin’s life. We all have had moments when we may not have deserved another chance, but God, great in mercy and grace, loved us and offered us forgiveness.

With the help of F&H, and most importantly God, Cosmin has a closer walk with his Father in heaven. He has passed his Driver’s License exam, learned how to provide for himself, learned how to put money aside, and with much toil and sweat on our side and his, he completed high school! He learned what a family looks like and what it feels like to be supported by people who love him. I say this with tears in my eyes because I am proud to have had the opportunity to be a father, friend, and teacher to Cosmin. Cosmin will forever be a part of our family.

Yes, I can say that it was complicated, it was hard, and sometimes I could not believe how much trouble I went through with this boy. But I was that same person before I came to know Christ as my personal Savior. There were times when I felt as if I was looking into a mirror, seeing myself and then Cosmin.

Cosmin is a changed man and we are very proud of him. When he left our program, he said, “Thank you for everything you taught me. Thank you for all you have gone through for me. Andrei, thanks for not letting me down. Thank you for saving my life.” And what blessed me the most was that he said that it is his dream to someday save a life as we did for him.

In September, Cosmin left the F&H program with courage and faith in God, ready for his next journey in life. He is currently in Spain working and calls me every week to touch base.

Kelle and I want to thank you because, through your support of us, a life was saved and forever changed by God.

God bless you!

July 2014

CLICK HERE: PDF Version of June 2014 Newsletter

This Little Light of Mine…

“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet. You are the light of the world…Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your father in heaven.” Matthew 5:13-14a

I have circled and underlined various parts of this passage of scripture and written question marks. I know that this passage is important, however, I feel that the wording can be confusing and difficult to truely understand and grasp. I don’t typically use the Message version of the Bible, but this translation was shared at my church this last Sunday.

“Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You’ve lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage.

Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.”

This is an amazing word picture of what the scripture is saying. “We are to be the salt seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth.” “We are to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world.” Our world is dark, we can all agree, but this is not the end. The church is not to sit in the darkness and wait to be rescued. NO! Isaiah 60:1-3 says:

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the LORD will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you. And nations shall come to your light…”

In Romania, like in the United States, the government looks dark and evil. The future looks dim. We fight this mentality daily with the children. We encourage the children that:

Our Father in heaven tells us to arise and SHINE!
Arise and SHINE when things look dark!
Arise and SHINE when things are difficult!
Arise and SHINE with love and compassion.

We need to realize that we all have a LIGHT to shine inside of us. The brighter our light shines, possibly the more attention we will get from the darkness. But He who is at work in you is greater than he who is in the world. So arise and let your light shine. Don’t allow fear to dim your light.

This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine
Hide it under a bushel, NO! I’m going to let it shine!
Don’t let Satan blow it out! I’m going to let it shine!
….let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

Isn’t it so sweet to see the little children sing that song in church? They sing it with so much passion. They have the innocence to really BELIEVE it as they sing it. I am singing it out loud today, will you?

“A Future and a Hope” UPDATE: Practice makes Perfect

Thank you to everyone who has helped us hire math and physics tutors. Last year we had a 90% fail rate on the Romanian version of our SAT College test. This year nearly all of them passed! YAY!! I am so proud of all the hard work both the students and tutors put into prepping for this important test. This is a HUGE step in the right direction for a bright future. Congratulations kids!

Packages of Love: Reverence Bible Church Strikes Again!

A huge thank you to Reverence Bible Church of Rancho Santa Margarita, CA. Families put together some of the best packages I have seen in the 11 years I have been working in Romania! The kids loved every inch of them. Andrei handed them out one by one and shared with them the love of the Father that compels ordinary people to do extraordinary things. Thank you again for your “extraordinary” packages.

January 2014

CLICK HERE: PDF Version of Jan 2014 Newsletter

Haus Betania [Please download the PDF version to view artwork]

During our last visit to Betania two of our boys drew pictures for their supporters. Alin was the first to hand his picture to Andrei. From the first day he came to “Casa Betania” he has expressed interest in pencil sketches and art in general.

The drawing on the right captures what you see as you come out of the main dining hall walking towards the front gate of the center. He drew the rolling hills and the big metal doors that welcome any visitor to Casa Betania. “HAUS BETANIA” is German for “Bethany house.” The group of Germans who started the private orphanage years ago named it “Haus Betania”, which literally means “House of Figs,” but can also be translated “House of misery/poverty.” I found it strange to put such a name on a children’s home. But then I looked in the Bible. The town of Bethany is recorded in the New Testament as the home of the siblings Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, as well as that of Simon the Leper. Some entomologists suggest that the word “Bethany” comes from the word “Ananiah,” meaning “Yah has been gracious” or “Yah has intervened.” The city of Bethany is believed to have had a poor house that took care of the sick and destitute of the Jerusalem area. This poorhouse would have alleviated poverty closest to the holy city.

With all that to say, I see now why this name is so perfect for the Family Center. Daily we are seeing the dead in Christ become alive in Him, and seeing the bonds of family form amongst the children. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we are alleviating poverty and creating a future for the children in our care.

I love the happiness and hope that shines through this picture. Although the gate literally means “House of Misery,” God has turned it, by His grace, into a house where GOD has been gracious and intervened in these children’s lives.

Nicu (our F&H boy) drew the picture below. When I saw this picture, my heart leapt with joy. The picture says, “God has three answers to our prayers: 1. Yes 2. Not Now 3. I have something better.” Coming from a boy who knew NOTHING about God when he came to us just last year, this blew me away. I am excited to see him grow into a man of the Word. It’s a start – and a good one at that!
We are in the process of hiring a few tutors to come to the family center to work with the children. Right now we are in the interview process to hire a tutor for physics/math, sports, and art. This would not be possible without your help. Thank you!

“Blessed are you, O LORD, the God of Israel our father, forever and ever. Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, and you are exalted as head above all. 1 Chronicles 29:10-11

“A Future and a Hope” UPDATE:

The boys are still doing well. Nicu has moved to Betania to benefit from the tutoring and family atmosphere. Cosmin is still in the apartment and possibly starting his first job working at a store owned by our landlord. She has been so impressed with the boys, she offered them work.

Andreea is enjoying college and studying Communication and Public Relations. She is in the middle of exams at the moment and is asking for your prayers to do well on them. We are so proud of her and continue to wish her the best.

Building a Future: Unless the Lord builds a House…

Building anything takes a lot of sweat, planning, and design. Building a future is no exception. This is something we are implanting into these children. Like it says in the Scripture:

Unless the Lord builds the house,
those who build it labor in vain. 
Unless the Lord watches over the city,
the watchman stays awake in vain. Psalm 127:1

We can give them all the tools, but unless the Lord is leading their life, we labor in vain. This week, I was pondering the story in Luke of the paralyzed man and his friends who lowered him through the roof to see Jesus.

And behold, some men were bringing on a bed a man who was paralyzed, and they were seeking to bring him in and lay him before Jesus, but finding no way to bring him in, because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and let him down with his bed through the tiles into the midst before Jesus. Luke 5:18-19

In that time, roofs were constructed in such a way they could not merely be repaired once broken but needed to be completely replaced! To fix the damage those friends caused would have cost A LOT!
Then it hit me. Those men were willing to pay any price to get that man closer to Jesus. Are we a people who are willing to pay any price to get someone closer to Jesus? I know many of you are because of the diligent sacrifices you make monthly towards these “someones” in Romania.
Building a future for someone is not easy or rewarding at first, but with the Lord building it , He will be faithful to complete it. THANK YOU, Jesus!

If any of you desire to meet and experience our ministry in “living color,” please let us know. Andrei would LOVE to lead you or a group of you on a trip. These kids need to see your faces and feel your hugs. Come, what are you waiting for? You will be blessed – I can guarantee that.

September 2013

CLICK HERE: PDF Version of Sept 2013 Newsletter

Betania Family Center UPDATE:

Thank you all for your beautiful sacrifices to make it possible for us to send our kids to Summer Bible Camp this year! The kids were blessed and encouraged in the Word all summer long. The children at Betania Family Center were able to attend three camps this year and our boys at the F&H apartment joined them. The kids made many new friends and were overjoyed to be reunited with old ones, too.

This week God really impressed Psalm 68:5-6 upon my heart :

“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families…”

I can’t read this verse without thinking about the verse God gave me so many years ago when I was in College and pursuing my degree in Chemistry.

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress…” James 1:27

When I was looking at Psalms 68:5-6 I read, “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his Church.” I immediately thought about all of you. The church body is so beautiful. I praise the Father everyday for your hearts toward the abandoned and lonely, the fatherless and widows. You are putting the Word into action. God has placed the lonely in the family of Christ.

“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it–not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it–they will be blessed in what they do.
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:22-25, 27

YOU GUYS ARE DOING IT! You are doers and not hearers only, and you will be blessed in what you do! I pray the Lord’s blessing over each of your lives today! Thank you for your monthly sacrifice to Sufficient Bread Ministry to make a difference in these children’s lives.

A Future and a Hope:

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jer 29:11

There is a young woman living at Betania named Andreea – a beautiful girl with an amazing heart for the children around her. We have worked with her over the past few years and have watched her grow into an amazing woman of God. She just graduated high school with very high grades and desires to go to college. We are so excited to pay for her first year’s tuition at a major university in Romania. She didn’t believe that she would ever get the opportunity to follow her dream with her current situation. Because of your help, Andreea is well on her way to a successful future! Her life has been a wonderful example to the other children at Betania. Work hard and you can accomplish a lot! Good luck Andreea, we are so proud of you!

An Excerpt from Andrei’s Testimony: written at 19 years old

I was a bad person, cruel. I hated jokes, but I loved making fun of others. I think I was very serious for my age. I was a person that everyone was afraid to socialize with because I was very aggressive. I did not let anyone get away with anything. I was a leader wherever I went. All of the children, older and younger, at the orphanage looked up to me in fear and in respect. I had all of this before the age of thirteen.

When I turned 18, the orphanage system would not hold us anymore. I had to leave the orphanage. But where would I go and with what? What would I do in this world? No one wanted to give an orphan a job, and no one wanted to help. When we left through the gates of the orphanage we had about 10 dollars, and a set of new clothing, and our files that told a few things about ourselves. We did not have someone to ask for help. We looked up to the sky and wondered what to do. Many of the kids that left the orphanage committed suicide. The majority ended up in prison for different reasons. The girls became prostitutes or immediately married an older man just to have a place to sleep, eat, and feel a small amount of security, even if the men beat them or treated them like slaves. The strong ones and maybe smarter ones found a way to survive, but these were very few.

Do I have the tools to make something of myself? Do I have the right to become what I dreamed of? The right to build a family? Do I have the courage to move forward without any help and without any parental guidance? These are the overwhelming questions every child pondered as they stepped outside the boundaries of the orphanage into the unknown world.

I went to high school in Deva and stayed on campus. It was a large and beautiful town. I commuted by train back and forth from school.

On the weekly train ride, there were a lot of us “orphan” children and many children with parents. Because I was popular and feisty, many of my colleagues came to me for protection. I was a friend to any weaker child. Because of this, the kids had trust in me and we became a gang of about 40-50 kids. I became the leader of this group. If someone had problems in school, or if someone was beaten up at school, whoever had a problem, they would come to me to resolve the situation. The situation was always resolved because we became a brotherhood and fought for each other no matter what. I still have the nickname “The Judge.”
At the beginning I liked that I had power. I liked being above everyone. I liked that I had the ability to take care of the people around me. Then I matured and I became tired of all the fighting, all the “fun.” There were nights that I hated to fall asleep. I would avoid sleep. I wanted to be with friends, I wanted to feel good, and I believed that this was the only way for me to feel happy. On March 25th, I was in my dorm at school. It was the weekend, and I did not return to Petrosani as I normally did. It was night, and I had come home from the Club and I was sad, upset, and angry. I got ready to go to bed to see if I could sleep it off. And it was like I could hear in my head and heart, “Stop, you don’t want to live your life like this. This is not real happiness. Real happiness can only be found in Me.” At that moment I became scared but I began to hear things clearer.

I fell on my knees and began to pray. I saw all of my sins before me. All the faces of people I had hurt went through my mind, every face that I had beaten, and I was frozen in fear. Until that moment, I was not afraid of anything or anyone. This was a feeling I never believed I would experience. I then realized what I had seen in those missionaries that came to visit me as a child. I felt a spirit come over me and I heard a voice saying, “You are forgiven of all your sins if you believe in Me and follow Me.” I felt the strength to pray and I began to pray in tears and almost yelling to the heavens because I felt so guilty for the sins I had committed. Suddenly, I opened my eyes and it was morning. I felt like I was alive. I felt a happiness I could not describe and I wanted to tell everyone what happened, but I still did not know for sure what happened myself. In my room I had a Bible and I began to go through it page by page, I read some verses and did not fully understand it. I turned to John 3:16 which says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.” This I finally understood.

Jesus Christ calls all of us to be a light, to show His brilliance and holiness to the world, and that we can have a relationship with the Father through His beloved Son who sacrificed himself to show us sinners how immense His grace and love is toward us. I hope to show the people around me the true happiness found only in Jesus Christ.

I especially desire to show this to the youth around me so that they will know the truth from a young age that this peace and happiness comes only through belief and faith in Jesus Christ.

June 2013

CLICK HERE: PDF Version of April 2013 Newsletter

Crooked Places Made Straight: “A Future and a Hope” Apartment    

I will bring the blind by a way they did not know; I will lead them in paths they have not known. I will make darkness light before them, And crooked places straight. These things I will do for them, And not forsake them. Isaiah 42:16

Andrei and I used our round trip tickets to conduct a surprise check-in on the F&H apartment and bring supplies to the Betania Family Center. I wanted to inform all of you about our trip, but I knew the boys would find out! They are very Facebook and Internet savvy (like most teenagers, haha).

I must admit I was nervous. I was praying that all of the hours of training Andrei put into getting the apartment up and running were not in vain. He skyped and called the boys daily, but the best way to see how things are working is to make a surprise visit. I was blown away!! The apartment was clean and organized; receipts and bills were filed and paid. It was such a blessing to see so much growth in the boys’ responsibility. The look on the boys’ faces when we “popped in” was priceless!

It was so nice to live in the apartment with the boys and bring a woman’s touch and “Mom” atmosphere. I, of course, cleaned and made the apartment smell marvelous (haha), but even more than that, I was able to have some “mom” conversations with the boys. God met me and they were powerful and emotional. At one point, one of the boys asked if he could hug me. Totally blessed my heart and, of course, I cried!

COSMIN: We are seeing incredible growth in this young man. His grades are continuing to improve. But even more important than his grades are his emotional improvements.  When he came to the apartment, his attitude towards people, God, church, worship, and Christians was harsh and untrusting. He had been hurt by others in the past and grew a tough exterior for protection. During our visit, I saw these walls coming down and I praised God! The healing process had started. We have a ways to go, but with God, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.

Cosmin also received his driver’s license during our visit. It was wonderful to be there for the celebration! He doesn’t have a car yet, but this was a huge accomplishment. I am very proud of him. He had a goal, he worked hard at it, and received the reward! WHOO HOO! Next goal – high school graduation!

NICU: When God brought Nicu to our apartment, he looked like a scared puppy. I saw so much love in him but not much self-esteem. He came from an abusive family, who has recently disowned him out of anger. Since his admission into the F&H apartment, his family is no longer receiving his monthly government money. The Romanian government gives every child a small amount of money every month to help with school fees and needs for that child. Many parents take this money and support their drinking and smoking habits while the children suffer. Because we take care of all of their immediate needs through the support received through SBM, our rules state that all financial help from the government must go into a savings account for each boy. This will create a small nest egg for each young man to receive when they graduate from our program.  Nicu is VERY good about saving his money.

When we met Nicu, he knew nothing about Jesus. I love hearing his questions and seeing his interest in what the Bible says about things. He has new questions every day for Andrei. Keep this precious child in your prayers.

Betania Bible Retreat:

Therefore, if anyone [is] in Christ, [he is] a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2Cr 5:17

It’s that time of year again when kids are putting on their colorful shirts and attending VBS (Vacation Bible School) in the good ol’ U.S. of A. I remember how impactful these times were for me growing up. We are so excited to send our children at Betania to one near them! It will cost around $50.00 a kid for the week. They will be camping, eating, worshiping, and attending Bible studies. The total cost to send our 21 children will be around $1,000. Any help will be appreciated! We are also sending the administrator and his wife on a four day weekend retreat to get refreshed. The last vacation they had was 8 years ago! We are so happy to do this for these amazing people who love the abandoned and vulnerable. Please be in prayer for the children, that their hearts would be open to God’s love and that they will return new creations in Christ Jesus our Lord!


My life in its entirety is very important to me because I accept and understand it as God’s perfect plan for my life. As a child I asked God, “Why do I exist?”, “Why did my parents not want to raise me?”, “Why am I no one’s child?”, “Am I just a kid no one wants?”, “Why should I live?”, “Can I have hope?”, “Can I integrate into this world?”

In the early 90’s, I remember people began to visit our orphanage from America. I did not know what they were looking for. Why were they coming to give the children all sorts of candy, chocolate, toys, and clothes? I did not understand why they would come from another country and tell us about a man named Jesus Christ. I did not know who this Jesus was. I remember them talking about the birth of the Savior, that Jesus was sent to die for us, for our sins. What sins? Why would someone die for me? Why did he have to die? I remember thinking, “Something is not right.” I saw that these people visiting the orphanage were smiling all the time. I saw that they were happy and I did not realize why.  But at the same time it affected me seriously. I was jealous, and I wanted to feel the way they did. I wanted to be happy. I remember I was so dirty. Our noses were running, some kids were covered in sores and other sickness but these people were not afraid to touch us, or most amazingly hug us. I realized that this Jesus Christ had something to do with the kindness and courage I saw in their hearts. These people had something I wanted…

For the Record: We Love and Appreciate all of you!

We consider every one of our supporters as accountability partners. Everything we speak to our board members about, we put in our newsletters. We love each and every one of you and your heart for Romania. Without your sacrificial giving, the children in our care would be in a MUCH worse situation. I thank all of you who see the importance of our ministry to the abandoned and vulnerable. And especially, the importance of even one life being rescued.

You would be surprised at the sour responses we recieve when we tell people that we have “only” 21 children in the family center and “only” two boys in our transitional apartment. It breaks my heart that they can be blinded to the fact that even one soul creates a party in heaven! If you want to continuously hear about thousands of people raising their hands to accept Jesus at an event, then I encourage you to support whichever ministry satisfies that need. Sufficient Bread Ministry takes each individual that God places in our path and allows God to guide our footsteps. Praise you, FATHER!

We are not a ministry that gets people saved, gives them a high-five and then leaves. We continue in daily discipleship with them. It is the road less traveled, but an amazing blessing.

If any of you desire to meet and experience our ministry in “living color,” please let us know. Andrei would LOVE to lead you or a group of you on a trip. We have been asking churches to come and bring pastors for a few years now with no response. We are READY! 🙂 These kids need to see your faces and feel your hugs. Come, what are you waiting for? You will be blessed, I can guarantee that.