December 2004

I apologize for not writing an update in some time now. As many of you know I flew home on Oct 18th and have been enjoying the company of my family and friends. I will be here in the states until early February. It has been a joy for me to see many of your faces again and be able to receive the wonderful encouragement and hugs.

It was very difficult to leave Petrosani this time, on the last Saturday Children’s study I found myself staring at the children and praying over them. I was wishing in my heart that I could stay with them just a little longer. After living in Romania for a year I have truly become accustomed to the culture and the country. The people are truly my people and I have so much hope stored up within me for their future. Throughout this first critical year God has been entirely faithful in teaching me and showing me where he has me to minister. There are many mysteries to be uncovered that can only be seen through living and learning the language of a people group. I must admit that I came into Romania with a certain focus and mindset, Romanian Orphans. And to my surprise I came to Romania with the door shut tight to the orphanages. I questioned why I had this desire to come to Romania when the very thing I came for was unreachable. For the first few months I studied the language and helped where I could and when I could, waiting for the Lord to show me specifically His perfect plans. Through this learning period I found a very unique orphan, the street children of Colonie. These children, in my view, are orphans with families. Many of these kids that I am currently working with have families, but are not cared for and unloved. The children are allowed to play alone on the streets in the filth of the gutters and trash heaps. Many of the children deal with parental abuse daily and are unwelcome in their own home unless they bring home beer or a cigarette. These Children follow each other and learn from the street how to survive with cursing mouths and clinched fists. These very children are the future of Petrosani. Saturday Children’s study is an amazing opportunity to reach out to these children and teach them about family, God’s family. We have a unique opportunity to be with these children and be the one solid and consistent person in their lives.

Living in the center of town, I sit on my balcony and watch “life” go by me. Romanians with their bags of produce walking here and there just living life, unaware of my presence. It is such a blessing for me to take time in the morning and pray over the people as they scurry beneath me. One picture that I see all too often are the children in the middle of the street kicking a soccer ball back and forth, teenagers in their “cliques” huddled on a street corner with nothing to do of value, just hang’n, as we Southern Californians say to each other. Seeing all of this day after day, I asked myself a question, “What do these youth have to do of value?” “What “hangout” establishments are offered?” Currently all Petrosani has to offer are bars and discos. This present generation of youth flocks to these places of business. The young adults and youth who dislike the amusement of the discos and bars walk the streets betting, drinking, smoking, and fighting. This problem is quite large due to the presence of a university within the city’s limits attracting young peoples from nearby towns. My hearts desire is to create a Recreational Center which central purpose is the growth of family and Godly morals, to provide a safe environment for wholesome fun. I desire to have Billiards, Ping-Pong, Soccer, Basketball, Christian Music, Kung-Fu, and English and Bible classes. Please also pray about beginning a church, directed specifically to the youth. The Churches here are mainly filled with past generations and this current generation is slipping through the cracks. I feel very passionate about the youth, so please pray that the Lord would give me wisdom and bring people to help with this new direction Sufficient Bread is praying about taking.

I pray that the Lord blesses your Christmas Season. I pray that we would all remember our families and the gift of love that has been given to us through God’s Son Jesus Christ. It is a blessing to be here with my family and celebrate Jesus’ birth together. This Christmas I have many things to be thankful for, and one of them is you. Thank you for your support and continual prayers. You are as much of Sufficient Bread Ministry as I am. Merry Christmas to you and your family! God bless you.

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for Guidance and Wisdom for the Recreational Center
  • Pray for a youth pastor to come and teach the youth
  • Pray for the hearts of the youth to be softened and to be excepting of the Gospel message
  • Pray for the Children’s Study to continue and to grow in number
  • Pray that I would walk in boldness and that I would be a light in dark places