May 2005

Spring has finally come around! The hills are now bright green and the trees are beginning to bud. I am looking forward to the cherries and pears soon to be bursting forth from the branches. Along with the green, the life in Petrosani is slowing growing more and more active. I suppose the reason for this burst of hustle-bustle is to work off those winter bellies. I know for us Americans it is a bigger problem than for the Romanians, haha.

Friday Night evangelism is growing in number and I believe it is more effective than ever. As hundreds of couples are pacing Main Street of town, enjoying the spring warmth every night, the small groups from our church sings worship songs and pass-out tracks to the people. Many people stop and talk to us, but many also walk quickly right by us. Through being a part of the evangelism ministry, I have seen again the need for a youth center. I am amazed at the number of youth and young adults roaming back and forth down the street with nothing to do of value. The evangelism team is pretty young; all of us are between the ages of 17-28. Christianity, like in The States, is not always culturally acceptable for this age range. But I am so proud of them for living and professing their faith with boldness.

Most recently, I have begun teaching English to three women from my church. It has been a bit of a challenge for me as I have never had to teach my own language to someone. However, God was so faithful to bring Marie to help me in this endeavor. She is a teacher in The States and was a wonderful encourager and helper for me. Her sister was adopted from Romania and she remembers her mother teaching her English. We have made a great team. I will be sad to see her go back home to her family this week.

Truthfully, I have had some rough times this last month. I have really had to trust God for money and help. On the way to Bucharest to drop Cacey off at the airport, my car broke down. It was quite an adventure. The adventure involved hitch hiking to a gas station for 2 hours, buying a battery we thought we needed, hitch hiking back to the car, finding out the new battery was faulty, being towed to a nearby Romanian family (a complete God send), and finally, after six hours of working on the car, we realized there was a bigger problem with the car than just the battery. We left the car at a family’s house and took a taxi to the next town to take the 1:00am train to Bucharest with all of our baggage. I could tell you the whole story, but that would make a very long newsletter (but I think that you get the point).

My rent has also been raised from 70 euro to 120 euro (Fortunately, I was able to talk my landlord down from 150 euro a month). Because of this, I am looking for an apartment to buy. It will be cheaper in the long run and because prices go up in a few months, I am looking now. I have found one apartment on the seventh floor, close to the central park. (Near the possible “youth center” site.) It is the cheapest and biggest apartment I have found and in the best condition and not to mention it seems perfect. Please pray that things work out with my finances to get this apartment. I will need to save up another $7000.00 for the purchase of this apartment.

The house in Colonie is still the same – still worn by the weather. But that does not mean that it cannot be used for God. I am still praying for the perfect fit for that house since it has only gotten worse by this past winter season. Andrei has been assessing the damage and making a list of work that needs to be done. We will start the construction when all the permits are completed. For now, we see this house being used by the church for Sunday school and a place for future teams to stay.

Really though, God has remained so faithful to me during my adventure in Romania that I have no doubt that he will remain faithful to me. This past month has been tough, but He has provided for me when my faith was weak and worn, so I take real delight knowing that He will continue to satisfy my needs spiritually and physically. To Him be the glory for all that has been done here. This isn’t my life anymore, it’s His and I thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers to encourage me during these battles and trials.

For those of you who have written me letters, THANK YOU! You have been a huge blessing and amazing encouragement to me. I wish that I could write each one of you back. And girls, those drawings were lovely! They are hanging on my wall and when I see them, I think of those who love me back at home. God bless you all. God be with each of you as you serve Him.