November 28, 2015

What do I have to offer that will suffice? Nothing but the Bread of Life!


Recently someone referred to our ministry’s logo as “clip art” and a “cartoon”. After being taken aback by the blow to my heart, I realized how much this piece of art means to me. It is our banner. The Lord had me remember how I received this gift, and unless you have been with us from the beginning of our journey, you may not know the story behind the carving either.

At the age of 17, I went on a short-term mission trip with my youth group to Romania. God used that brief trip to place a very permanent calling in my life. I loved school and I was focused on fulfilling my dream to graduate college with a degree in Chemistry. That all faded one day in my chemistry class when I physically felt all the passion for chemistry leave my body. It was a terrible feeling since this passion had led me most of my life. That day God transformed me. That same semester, I was also enrolled in a general education art class (honestly, just trying to receive an easy “A”). Our assignment was to carve something that would introduce ourselves to the class, answer the question, “who are you?”. Who am I? Gosh, I am a lot of things. However, the most fundamental thing is the most profound. I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I am His hands and feet in this world. God has given me many gifts and abilities but none of those things are essentially who I am. They are only sprinkled blessings from the Father. I am His beloved. I am His child. The greatest gift I was ever given was Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life. He is sufficient for me. This carving represents God’s whisper to my heart, “Come, follow me.”  The inspiration behind the carving ultimately inspired the name of our ministry.

This little orphan girl has no mouth because the orphans of Romania have no voice in thier government. Her eyes are oversized showing she has seen much in her life. The two stars represent God the Father and the Holy Spirit, the bread symbolizes the Son of God—the Bread of Life. Notice the three crosses etched in the loaf of bread. The hope of heaven, the Bread of Life, is what we wish to offer her and the other thousands of orphans like her.

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble,  and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.  James 1:27

No man can live by bread alone but by every word of God (Deut 8:3). Jesus Christ is the sufficient bread. He is the Bread of Life. He that comes to Him shall never hunger, and he that believes in Him shall never thirst (John 6:35). Jesus Christ was the sufficient sacrifice for our sins – Jesus is sufficient.

An exciting announcement for our wonderful ministry partners!

We now have online giving option available on our website! Go to and click on either our “Get Involved!” or “Contact Us” tab. Fill out a simple form to give a one-time donation or scheduled reoccurring donations. You will also receive an immediate receipt of the donation in your email inbox.

It’s super simple and secure. Check it out!


The Known and Loved by Jesus Christ!

We need partners to help us serve the children at Betania and “The Future and a Hope” transitional apartments. We want to connect the children/young adults with families who love the Lord and will commit to pray for them and sponsor their needs and the general needs of the ministry.

These children are not the forgotten and abandoned; they are the KNOWN and LOVED by Jesus Christ (and you!)

Please consider going to our website and clicking on the “get involved!” tab. Follow the “Child Sponsorship” link and complete the brief sponsorship form. Sponsors will receive a postcard with the child’s picture and information. Sponsors will also receive biannual updates on their child (health updates, prayer requests, and correspondence).